2015 + 2022 & 2023 Black History Commemorative Coins

Kwame has had a remarkable journey with the Royal Canadian Mint. To be selected as the artist responsible for designing not one—but three coins, while having the opportunity to showcase his incredible talent and representing his community and country, all at the same time? Priceless. It’s such a prestigious honour. He really isn’t the type of person to toot his own horn, but I definitely have no qualms about doing that for him. After all, I am practicing being intentional about celebrating those around me— loudly and proudly. So without further delay, congratulations Kwame! Or as they say in French, félicitations Kwame!

In 2015, Kwame designed a coin celebrating Canada by capturing symbols that represent our diverse regions, all of which were enclosed within our most iconic symbol — the maple leaf. It was a beautiful coin that demonstrated his craftsmanship and resonated deeply with others. As such, it sold out rather quickly as it landed in second place amongst coins designed sold that year. This experience gave him a wonderful opportunity to tap into a new level of creativity. Little did he know that this was just the beginning. 

It’s important to note that with every concept, design and story we tell—there is a considerable amount of time dedicated to research. Our task is to refrain from reinventing the wheel and lean into the expertise of others who paved the way for our ingenuity. Our desire to reclaim and redefine our narratives, rests on our commitment to learn and unlearn from what already exists by using all the tools and elements within our reach. And this is exactly what Kwame did, when he conceptualized the 2022 Commemorative Black History Coin featuring the Underground Railroad. 

Throughout his design process, Kwame is always trying to uncover visually stimulating ways to capture his audience. For this piece, he decided to push the envelope by utilizing the perimeter of the coin (something that had never been done before) to capture his vision. 

When asked about the concept during his interview with the Royal Canadian Mint, Kwame explained:

“A wheel is continuous. A circle is continuous. So I figured if I can somehow change the perspective and create a coin that everywhere you looked on the coin the perspective was right. Your eyes will essentially do what was done over and over again”.  

It was stunning. Not only was it a brilliant use of the coin’s canvas, but it also served as a powerful and touching tribute to our ancestors’ journey in the pursuit of freedom that will continue to inspire others for generations to come. And as you would expect, this coin sold out as well.

Now, Kwame will be the first to tell you that while he can turn his ideas into reality; they cannot stand alone. Anytime I compliment anything he creates by saying, “That’s dope, you should post that” or “You’re good. It’s perfect. You don’t need anything else”, I’m quickly met with, “Claudz, nah. What’s the story? We need to tell the story”. 


With another coin design on the horizon, Kwame completed the hat trick when he was selected to design the 2023 Commemorative Black History Coin featuring the No. 2 Construction Battalion. And guess who was going to help tell this story? Me! Claudia aka Claudz (that’s what my friends call me). Never did I imagine that my passion for writing would put me in a position to be part of something so historical. I was truly honoured to bear witness to this entire process and beyond grateful for the opportunity.  

Okay, so let’s get into it!

I remember when Kwame sent me a text message to share the amazing news about his next feat. While I know he was excited (I could tell by the fire emojis) when we finally spoke, in true Kwame fashion, his tone was incredibly calm and matter-of-fact. I promise, if I had just received that kind of news, I’d probably be hollering up and down my street about it. Anyway, his disposition was likened to a soldier, honoured to defend his country but exhibiting the resolve he knows is required to win the war. It was go time! He knew it and so did I. This is the perfect segue, if I do say so myself.  

This commemorative coin paid tribute to the nearly 600 men who initially enlisted (and to those who were denied) into the No. 2 Construction Battalion. It was the largest Black military unit in the history of our country. Upon receiving some further insight and support about these courageous soldiers from the Royal Canadian Mint, both Kwame and I were so intrigued and we did what we always do — we went to work! I remember us spending so many hours doing our own research and connecting with historians to try and find as much information as we could about this battalion. Again, having an opportunity to reclaim this story and offer our creative perspective, was dictated by our desire to absorb as much as we could to represent these men truthfully and respectfully. 

And so, here it was, the Royal Canadian Mint’s 2023 Black History Commemorative Coin in honour of the No. 2 Construction Battalion. 

Now, I’m not even going to lie, Kwame could draw a twig and I’d be enamoured by it. So you can imagine how excited I was to see the final version of yet another incredible coin. It was truly the epitome of flawlessness. *chef’s kiss* And, as for me? The storytelling? One day I’ll share with you my process for storytelling in more detail. But for now, I’ll share a snippet of what can be found currently on the Royal Canadian Mint website:

“This coin pays homage to not only the Black men who were originally recruited for No. 2 Construction Battalion, but to all those who were declined an opportunity to enlist in the military because of their race. While some men were successful in their military pursuits, it didn’t come without fight. As a result of the racism they endured, most would not be allowed to face combat alongside their fellow countrymen. The desire to fight for their country, regardless, demonstrates the bravery, selflessness and honour of No. 2 Construction Battalion. The existence and accomplishments of these men is another part of Canadian history that is to be acknowledged, celebrated and honoured—forever. I hope I was able to capture these honourable men in a way that represents their strength and resiliency, while also raising awareness about the critical role that No. 2 Construction Battalion had in the Canadian armed forces.”

Who would’ve thunk it? I’m a whole storyteller! Surprise! 

We had the opportunity to meet the wonderful folks from the Royal Canadian Mint at the 35th Annual Black History Kickoff Brunch hosted by the Ontario Black History Society in February 2023. They were ecstatic to finally meet Kwame in person. And as always, it wouldn’t be Kwame if he didn’t take a moment to give me my flowers by sharing my contributions to our process. I was then informed that the snippet I shared above, moved the entire Mint office to tears. Wait. What?! Me? I did that? Tears were shed over my words? Well damn! I remember writing that statement and thinking that it wasn’t really that deep (my go to phrase for almost anything I do). I write because I enjoy it and that feedback was incredibly affirming. Am I really that good? I was completely overwhelmed but I kept my cool. Afterall, you can’t let them see you sweat, right? 

I’ve always heard people around me talk about the power behind my voice and words, but it always hits differently when it comes from folks in the industry who have been doing this for decades. It was at that moment that I finally felt my favourite mantra come to fruition: words are powerful. 

As always, a huge shoutout to all the beautiful people at the Royal Canadian Mint, without whom none of this would be possible. We appreciate you! 

The best way to ensure that we can all continue to share our stories and create pathways into spaces that we have not had access to historically, is by supporting each other. So if you haven’t already done so already, do yourself a favour click this link: mint.ca/en/shop/coins/2023/pure-silver-coin-commemorating-black-history-no-2-construction-battalion to purchase your very own 2023 Commemorative Black History Coin honouring our No. 2 Construction Battalion.  

— Claudia Appiateng

Chaos with Claudz
A scatterbrained Gemini; welcome to my whirlwind. 

I’ve never really been into numerology, astrology, the stars, the sun, the moon etc. It’s likely because I never understood it until I was forced to pay attention in 2020. Something happened that year that changed my perspective. Around February of 2020, I started catching 1:11 and 11:11 on my phone or clock (of course, I had no clue that they were called angel numbers at the time). But it started to get a bit eerie when days turned to months and now nearly 4 years later, I’m starting to unpack what this truly means— synchronicity and transformation— it’s fascinating. I’ll delve deeper into it at a later time in another whirlwind.

But for now, in honour of this alignment and transformative period of my life, I wanted to share a few affirmations. I normally do 3 of them a day. These really helped me get my mind right during some challenging time periods. 

I prioritize my mental and emotional wellbeing.

I am powerful and take up space that I know I wholeheartedly deserve. 

I am unwavering in my pursuit of living the life I’ve always dreamed about.

May these words be the vessel through which you find peace, patience, perseverance and grace for yourself. 


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