Frito Lay x Bauer

After 36 years, our mens’ national soccer team qualified for the 2022 World Cup! Frito-Lay Canada and Bauer X created a “Made For The Moment Capsule” in the form of a Team Canada jersey, that embodies who we are as Canadians and the amazing things we can achieve when we come together as one. To bring this capsule to life, 13 incredible artists from diverse backgrounds across Canada were selected to offer their artistic contributions to the capsule.

And as you may have guessed, we were one of the artists selected!

As soon as we got the call, Kwame had already figured out exactly what his contribution would be. All he needed to hear were the themes: celebrating nature, honouring our coasts, and connecting to our roots – and boom, he had the vision and now all he had to do was put it on paper. It’s hard to describe, but if you’ve ever worked with an artist, you understand that they can go from 0 to 100—real quick, as their minds are constantly in creator mode and to me, that is pretty impressive.

Ultimately, Kwame’s contributions included a tiger protecting a soccer ball (which represents Canadian soccer pride) surrounded by a beautiful flower bush (symbolic of our connection to nature) and in Kwame’s work, nature and the elements within it are a consistent theme. Now, if you look closely, you can also see a feather woven into the flower bush which is symbolic of Indigenous culture and represents respect, courage, honor and strength, as we continue to move forward towards healing and reconciliation. Lastly, a pair of lips, stylized and woven into the flower bush as well, serves to remind us all of the importance of using our voices to tell our stories.

While Kwame was well versed in these settings, I on the other hand, was not. I was still trying to figure out whether or not I would have to learn how to draw or paint overnight to keep up with him. And obviously, that was never going to happen! What did happen, in that moment, was that I came to the realization that storytelling comes pretty naturally to me. As quickly as Kwame was able to conceptualize this piece, once he shared it with me, I quickly began to formulate the story that he was trying to tell-– a skill that I had not yet acknowledged as a strength (likely because of the ease with which it occurs). Kwame and my other friends never let me forget it and I appreciate them for it. 

Please excuse my moment of self reflection, as a social worker, it happens often. Now, back to regularly scheduled storytelling!

So there it was! The Blak Brush’s contribution to the “Made For The Moment Capsule” was complete. We also attended the official launch of the capsule downtown Toronto where we met some of the other artists that were part of this moment, networked with other creatives/industry leaders and engaged with community members.

We had a great time and we were honoured for the opportunity to share our artistry in such a meaningful way. A big shoutout to Frito-Lay Canada and Bauer X for recognizing the importance of amplifying the voices of our diverse communities in such a memorable way.

— Claudia Appiateng 

Chaos with Claudz
A scatterbrained Gemini; welcome to my whirlwind. 

Why do we love brands?

What is it about brands that makes some of us go bonkers? Is it notoriety? Is it the quality of the product? Is it because people around us indulge in them? Could it be a combination of all these things? Most likely. What I do know is that at the end of the day, brands evoke a feeling-– they make us feel. Most creators will tell you that one of the reasons they find pleasure in creating is because it makes them feel good. As an artist, your mind takes you on an adventure every time you’re inspired by any of your five senses. Whether you heard a few key words while conversing with a friend that made the light bulbs go off in your head. Or maybe you saw an image while scrolling through your Instagram feed and thought “Wow, I think I got it!”. Maybe you put on your favourite sweater recently but this time, you took a moment to feel the softness of the fabric and now you’re inspired to explore it further. Perhaps you decided to bake some cookies (you know…the way your grandmother used to make them). Except this time, the sweet aroma encourages you to enter that annual bake-off you’ve been putting off for years. Or perhaps that sweet tasting pineapple motivates you to start experimenting with different flavours for your smoothie bar. Regardless of the source, artists and creators alike, are driven by their desire to share their visions in a creative way with the hopes of evoking a feeling from their audience. 

This is what brands do. 

Even if you’re not an artist or a creative, as a consumer—you too, are driven by your emotions and subsequent feelings. You may not even have words to describe your feelings, but your body’s natural reaction is enough. Everytime you see your favourite brand release their newest creation, or you see a new artist/creator making waves, if they’ve been able to connect with you in some way, you’ll feel something.

With that being said, as you peruse our raw emotions and feelings transmuted artistically—be intentional. Take a moment to reflect on how you feel. How do our creations make you feel? Even at this point in the whirlwind; how are you feeling? Are you curious? Are you detached or disinterested? Are you inspired or motivated? Are you uncomfortable? 

You are entitled to feel however you want; it’s completely fine. As long as you feel.

If you’re enjoying our designs, our process and/or our stories; feel free to drop us your email so that we can keep you in the loop!


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